Saturday, June 9, 2012

Venice Day 2

Ciao tutti! This is our second day in Venice, and though it didn’t start too early, we had to get up pretty early. First thing was the breakfast cereal that looked like cornflakes but tasted like Captain Crunch. Which was a bit confusing. But onward!

Our first stop of the day was the Murano glass factory. Of course, I have been there before with my family, but this time one of my friends, Melinda, volunteered to blow glass and did a pretty good job of it actually! 

                                                       Look at that madness!

We went and partied in the showroom for a while, gaped at the extremely expensive figurines and glassware that was displayed, and proceeded to be glad that there was a 50% off sale that day. I got some gifts for a few family members (No, I won’t say who) and then we went to walk around the island for a little while. And guess what we saw. 


                                                            Glass flowers.

I swear, there was only glass stores there, selling knock-offs. Though I will say that some of the random glass sculptures found around the island were pretty cool.

                                          I don't know what it is, but I like it.

After Murano, we headed over to Burano, the island that specializes in lace. All of which is extremely gorgeous. Here’s a photo of Melinda’s lace square that she bought.

                                                                Very nice.

Another thing about Burano is that everything is very colorful. There are painted houses and random gardens that are hiding down alleyways.

                                                              So pretty!

                                     Can you find Snow White and the Dwarfs?

I didn’t actually buy anything at Burano because we ran out of time. Plus, my family is difficult to buy for.

Then we were actually done for the day. The group split up near San Marco’s square and we headed our separate ways. Luckily, Melinda, Elizabeth and I are all good navigators, so we didn’t end up horribly lost or anything.

We chilled in our room for a while, trying to get Internet, and then went exploring for about an hour. ‘Exploring’ is just another word for ‘getting purposefully lost’ but it was a lot of fun. We found some obscure shops and side streets and ended up at this nice restaurant, where I had prosciutto pizza (tomato, cheese, and ham). It was nice.

Then we walked back to the hotel, packed up our computer and iObjects, and walked around the corner to McDonald’s, where we are currently mooching off their Internet. No shame.

Interesting Stories of the Day:
  • Venice actually has roads on the water. With speed limits and lights and everything. Big wooden posts marked where the roads are and the boats park almost like cars.

                                                  Water road at its finest.
  • We discovered when we reached Murano that a pen had poked through my bag and written all over my very nice shirt. So we when came back to the hotel in the afternoon we tried to get it out by soaking it in detergent and scrubbing really hard. It didn’t work. But I think I’m going to keep wearing it anyway.
  • There was also a pirate boat in the harbor today!...Okay, so it was a ‘naval museum’. It sure looked like a pirate ship! Look!
                                 Just try to tell me that's not a pirate ship. Just try.

A domani!!

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