Friday, June 29, 2012

Arezzo, Week 3, Day 5

Ciao tutti! Today was the last day of JTI which means it was the last day with Elizabeth and Melinda. Sadness and tears abounded.

To give a good send off, we started the day with our History of Science final, because nothing says we’re going to miss you like a final exam.

After that, I had to run off to Italian grammar class and learn Italian stuff. Though we heard the Oberlin people practicing because apparently they had an opera performance at the town hall tonight. They sounded pretty good, so I’m sure they did really well.

Following Italian class, we had the Tower visit with our Getting to Know Arezzo class. The lady who gave us the tour was actual an Art History PhD, so she gave us a lot of cool information about the site.

                                                              Le Tower.

Apparently, the entire building was covered in frescos before people kept trying to improve it. The town hall has been redone multiple times throughout the centuries, most recently by the fascists during WWII. 

                                                             Silly fascists.

                                                You don't improve awesomeness.

What really messed with it was the Medici though. Arezzo does not like the Medici. Plus, they stole their bronze chimera. 

                                                          Not cool, man.

After a quick walk around the municipal building, we headed up into the Tower. And the higher we got…

                                                      ...the more impressive...

                                                     ...and more beautiful...

                                                     ...the view became. 

It was amazing.

I spent time after the Tower visit meeting with Monica Sharp (my internship advisor) and chilling in our hotel room for the last time.

(Side Note: I finally met my internship people and got to visit the place where I’ll be working. It’s the Museo dei mezzi di communicazione and it’s super cool. I’ll do a post on that later, once I actually do stuff there.)

We then went to have our farewell dinner at the really nice restaurant that was part chair and part couch. I sat on a couch part. We had some:

1) Variety of breads, spreads, and other appetizers
2) Pasta with beef sauce
3) Ham with four mini-potatoes
4) Some dessert type thing

It was really nice and there were some toasts afterward. Melinda even got to give one!

                                                Is not a good picture. Oh well.

We then grabbed some farewell gelato on the way back to the hotel and went upstairs to get all packed up. And watch Thor. Because our last movie night needed to be awesome. Which it was.

So farewell to all the JTI kids and Professors Barker and Crowther. It’s been a great time learning with you and from you. I’ll probably suffer an odd form of homesickness now that I don’t have my roomies with me anymore. So have fun in England, Melinda, and eat lots of chicken at home, Elizabeth. I’ll be thinking of you!

Grazie e ciao!

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